Enriched Creative Limited

Skills for Prosperity branding

The programme

The programme

Skills for Prosperity, which is part of the UK cross government Prosperity Fund, supports education and skills development to help accelerate inclusive economic growth and to reduce poverty. Spanning nine countries, this flagship programme will invest millions to help ensure these middle-income countries have a diverse workforce with skills fit for the future.

A colaborative approach

A colaborative approach

A clean typographic lock-up was created to head the brand style. Supported by the strapline: Work togther. Learn together. Grow together. The concept for the project was ‘collaboration’ visualised through coloured overlapping shapes complemented with clean white layouts and strong bold typography.



A collection of early results and key facts were visualised in a long scrolling infographic. It was important to show the global collaboration through a map of the countries involved. Icons and large numbers were used to emphasise key beneficiaries.

S4P infographic 1.jpg
S4P infographic 2.jpg